Case Study : Our client wanted to restructure the business and there would have been an impact on their workforce.

Our client had a long serving employee who was doing just enough to ‘get by’ but wasn’t really delivering the performance required by the business.  There were low level management issues but it felt that there was never enough for the client to start formal performance or disciplinary processes although many conversations had taken place. 

Our client wanted to restructure the business and there would have been an impact on their workforce. We discussed those implications and decided that they would need to start a consultation process given the potential risk of redundancy. 

Our client decided that that point that they would like to offer the employee a settlement agreement, giving them a clean break from the business. We quickly drew up a draft settlement agreement and worked closely with our client and their employee to secure an agreement that was acceptable to both parties. The employee felt as though they had been treated with dignity and respect and was happy with the outcome; our client had spent minimal time on the settlement agreement and was able to focus on taking the business forward. 

Grievance Support