Case Study : We have a track record of implementing a simple, cloud based solution into businesses with minimum disruption.

Too often businesses feel like they get buried under a mountain of paperwork from annual leave cards, personal files, training spreadsheets and policies and procedures stored in all manner of places, they have inefficient paper or spreadsheet-based systems and in today’s world of smart phones and mobile working, old HR systems just don’t cut it. 

We have a track record of implementing a simple, cloud based solution into businesses with minimum disruption. 

We recommended People HR to our client and they were keen to implement it into their business on a short timescale – one month. Of course it was achievable! There was a fantastic Executive Assistant who had responsibility for HR who was keen to get started so we scoped out the project, started training her on the system and worked with her on transitioning from paper to cloud. The data migration and transfer took a couple of weeks given the size of the business and the historical records that they wanted to include for management information purposes.  

We delivered comprehensive training to all employees and manager and gave them to tools and guidance to get started. The system officially went live 6 weeks after our first conversation and they now have a fully functional, easy to use cloud based HR management system at a very low cost. 

cloud based solutions