Work - Social Preparation Pack

Work - Social Preparation Pack


(Price excludes VAT)

Our Work-Social Preparation Pack will minimise your time spent on unfamiliar processes and get you on the right track, avoiding any pitfalls

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The Work-Social Preparation Pack contains:  

1. Letter or email to employees in advance of a party or work-related social event

Send this letter (or convert to email) to employees in advance of a party or work-related social event, reminding them about expected standards of behaviour and possible penalties for breaching them.

2. Letter or email to management in advance of a party or work-related social event

Send this letter (or convert to email) to managers in advance of a party or work-related social event, reminding them about expected standards of behaviour and possible penalties for breaching them. The letter also discourages managers from holding workplace discussions and only addressing workplace concerns during working time.

3. Behaviour at work-related social events policy

This policy outlines that the Company expects a responsible and acceptable standard of behaviour from employees at work-related social events, and that breaching this may result in disciplinary action.

4.Employee Code of Conduct

This policy outlines the main standards of behaviour that the company expects employees to adhere to and details the behaviour that the company would normally regard as gross misconduct.

5. Personal relationships at work policy

This policy outlines your organisation's approach to personal relationships at work. It covers employees' responsibilities, managers' responsibilities, a procedure for dealing with breaches of the policy, appeals and related policies.